Thursday, February 23, 2006

Strutting (staying alive playing in the background)

So today was an excellent day. It started out with me watching Law and Order C.I. followed by Law and Order SVU at midnight because we had given up studying and were darn tired. I fell asleep in both and have no idea how they went.

Went to my Anaesthesia exam (MCQ) and everyone is freaking because of the dreaded orals post MCQ. Managed to keep our cool despite the typical med phrased questions in the double and triple negative (English is dead. Long live the Empire). "Chose the answer that is least false" X don't never occur unless Y is absent..... Que?! After that we hung around in the exam room afraid to go to the orals to be held in the office. Eventually we sauntered across and they kept us in suspense in a room while they ran about, past us and around us with equipment having us freaked out wondering what will they do to us.

I cracked a few jokes "If they say to me ... so tell me about X... I'll respond 'what? you don't remember either?' Being nervous we all thought it was funny. Just to show how fear makes fools of us all. I went like TreeBeard.... to war, expecting that I may just meet my doom. But it went well (God be praised)!!!

Went to the bank and was treated rather well compared to other times. Even got chatted up a bit. Went to lunch and the lady pulls me out of the line and takes my order and brings it to me personally. She felt I was waiting too long. Guess no tree growing in my face.... you were wrong Smeagol; I am more than just a fat hobbit!

Naturally my behind found its way to church this evening to give God thanx more formally. Turns out our priest was celebrating 33yrs of ordination and so we had refreshments (free food) after mass. Choir practice went well. Found out that Church council retreat has been pushed back to April instead of March 3-5th, so I won't have to miss my brother's b'day.

Had some good belly laughs with some ppl in between.

It's not that this day was good and others were bad. It's that I appreciated what happened today because of the very specific unexpected effects. May I never take a day for granted such that I under-estimate its value.

To God be the glory!


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