Monday, March 27, 2006

of no consequence

Is it me or did the JLP take an unsolicited bashing this weekend in what appears to be an out-of-the-blue rain on parade fest! (Read Sunday's Gleaner for the 4 or so stories/editorials)

I guess people are disappointed that they are not giving them a reason to vote out the PNP. That was my sentiment from back in 2002 when I wrote in to the Gleaner saying that the JLP weren't giving the voters a reason to give them a chance. We can all bawl and moan. We don't need the hopeful incumbents to join us. Tell us how they will do a better job! Hell we'll take a half-assed idea over no idea at all! But their manifesto was just .....blah. To the point that none of it stands out in my mind now.

I support progress..... real progres. Despite its absence of realism, I am actually in favour of a combined political effort. I don't join the 'trash Minister Davies' gravy train because I read the World bank reports (I used to proof read the Business Magazine while in High School). I saw our low/poor ratings and saw their recommendations year after year. As a kid I used to try to do my part and buy local to help cut the national deficit. I agree that one hand can't clap but I tried. As an adult I have since abandonned my efforts and view things with short term eyes (Black with N.V. - no vision). I buy foreign cause it cheaper. This in turn makes local produce more expensive becasue they have to recoup what they lost when I bought foreign and the goods dem spoil on dem..... viscious cycle.

No party has the courage/cajones to make the decisions of spending restrictions which is necessary to cut debt. Minister Davies has been financing his budgets on the private market because he can no longer go to the markets milked by the JLP..... we simple don't have the collateral or the credibility. I would like to think that someone else could have done better, but I don't know who would have tried to, because it would mean real un-popularity..... would it have been any worse than his rating now....... who knows!

Cuba has managed to curb its expenditure, but that's assisted by trade embargoes. They actually recycle many items. TV sign off early to reduce time spent watching TV which translates into less electricity needed to be generated. They repair household appliances that are broken instead of buying new ones, to reduce international spending.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Nutten good don't come easy!



Miss Mel said...

Can I tell you that was the same thing I was thinking. Worse they now have this stupid commercial running on the radio about the PNP bus and the changing of drivers. Dem don't seem to realize sat everybody remember that it was JLP who used to drive the bus before anyway. If we want change we certainly not going back to dem. At least now instead of a mash up TATA bus we have Mercedes-Benz.

The Seeker said...


I hear you mel, First Issues fist, the reality is as Hayden puts it. If the Govt really puts in the necessary measures they will be voted out of power.

(Sorry about the following post:)

Now,on to 'how to win the Election'.
The new leadership of the JLP that showed a glimmering of promis, has has revealed to us that the common sense on their part was really a lapse in judgment. I wonder if these ppl pay attention to international politics at all.

The JLP, if they want to win, needs to take a page out of John 'i love Bush's A*s' Major's camnpaign when he won the first one.
The fact is at the time, like jamaica now, the ruling party had been in power for years, and the population was ready for a change, Now the oppsition, before John Major, Behaved just like the JLP now, a mindless and RETARDED opposition to everything they guys on the oppisite side of the house said. John 'Kiss A*s' Major's I'm a 'Nice Guy' Campaign was perfect, Instead of ridiculing the Govt, Prais them when they did something good, He cornered them in supporting him in projects that benefited the Society, and so forth and so on, In other words he made it look like he was more concerned about the future of the country than winning the election, while hogging the spottlight at the same time.

That campain was a stroke of genious and they won by a landslide, the sad part is, the JLP dont even need to think it up for themselves, all they have to do is follow the template, but alas that is too much to hope for

Unknown said...

Any party that takes over will just rob the Jamaican tax payers, don't matter to me.

Maybe we need to a take a page out of Cuba's book and become more self reliant, maybe that will turn around our economy!