Everytime I come across images like these I feel guilty for what I have and the lifestyle I've come to enjoy.
Oil precious oil.
Expensive fuel to find, access, barrel, transport.
Expensive in lives (look at Iraq)
Expensive to the environment at every step of the way.
Oil spills from tankers and from car engines damage the environment.
By-products are dumped illegally, leeching into the soil.
What about deforestation to get more arable land to feed the people of the world?
Yet the food makes its way unto the tables of those who already have.
We aren't feeding more and more starving people, despte the increase in the amount of food produced worldwide.
De-forestation to produce paper so I can send love letters, Valentine's cards, .....sit exams......
Loss of habitat for these creatures so that man can record how he has grown selfish and reveal his on-going plans for total world destruction.
Our sewage (treated... bulls@*t!) is dumped at sea. Not near the beaches mind you...... unless you use Hellshire. Cruise ships do the same but broken crockery and other garbage is ground up and dumped at sea as well. So Nemo gets taken out by shards of fine white china that some clumsy oaf dropped as the Love boat stops in Acapulco. It is still believed that commercial planes jetison theirs en route as a fine spray which is supposed to hang in the air way up there....... is that kinda like a high altitude fart?!
I enjoy flying, driving, reading books, watching television, etc..... all the trappings of the modern life. I just wish to be informed more of the real costs of my entertainment/pleasure. But then again, I don't have to wait to be told to be more environmentally and socially aware do I?
tell me about it. this is the reason I am in the field I'm in, and the more I learn sometimes, the more I think it almost makes no sense, but I not giving up so easily. The problem is there is just too darn much of us, and not enough resources to support us all, at least, not the lifestyle we want so desperately to lead. Yet we continue to think we're becoming more 'advanced'... advancing to what... who knows.
I kinda understand. Part of the reason I want to start a recycling project. It's my hope that people will start thinking about life outside the box and come together (whether organised or not) to make life (in the short and long term) easier.
In medicine we generate a lot of waste... much of it bio-hazardous. Often we make no difference in those efforts, but there is always one person for whom the effort was worth it.
Perhaps the environmental disruption isn't worth the risk we take. I don't know.
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