Is someone automatically ugly because I don't find them attractive?
So only my opinion counts!
What if someone else finds them attractive, do they stop being ugly?
Conflicting opinions!
What if there is a general consensus.... Desmond Ballentine (aka Ninja man) and Shabba Rankin? They both have many children for different women.... someone found their countenances pallatable!
We know there are culturally 'acceptable' norms for determining attractiveness, but we also know that cultural norms are ammenable. In the late 80s and throughout the 90s we faught the 'bleaching' phenomena tooth and nail. We preached and Dj'd about it and yet today it is so prevalent that you can make an appointment to have it done or visit any roadside spa and have it done as part of an all-inclusive whole body treatment..... hair, nails, bleaching...... they soon have competitions for the best bleacher.... Backside dem might even put out a friggin manual on how to bleach for important occasions.....
"If you are preparing for graduation, determine what shade you are and what shade you wish to be. For each shade lighter you wish to be, give yourself 3 days for face and hands and 4 days for upper trunk. Scars require a double application....."
All of this was born out of a comment I made to myself when I saw 3 cars stopped by 1 oddly shaped lady of the night, I assume working out who would go first. So the issue of ugly has too many shaded areas to call it. So why does it persist? Of what importance is it to us as a collective that we insist on making such a determination? If you figure it out, please let me know!
P.S. The comment was: Some poeple can only come out at night and even then ought to remain veiled.
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