Monday, December 31, 2007

Married life thus far

The wedding was great. The honeymoon was greater. We came back to prepare for Dean. Not much happened for us or to us in Dean. Water and Electricity back in 2 days. Then elections and then She went away for a week.

The reality of marriage then set in:

My side of the bed is any part that she is not currently using.

If she rolls on-to my pillow, ownership is immediately transferred to her.
I may proceed to sleep on my jowls.

The fan will be turned off if she gets cold despite the fact that it is easier to cover with a sheet and warm-up than for me to use my imagination to cool myself down.

My clothes were moved out of the dresser to make way for hers. I've opted to keep them in a plastic container in the closet to make her feel guilty... to date it hasn't worked.

I have 1/4 the closet space for clothes and shoes... including my plastic container.

The bookcase is mine though!! Ha ha ha (maniacally)!!!

JPS says the water heater need only be on for 1/2 hr before use. She says otherwise. I learned that JPS is wrong ..... if I know what is good for me!

I've learned to wash everything before it goes into the fridge. I learned that breaking this rule or over-doing it is not good for me!

I learned that there is a channel 68 (TLC). Apparently once selected all others refuse to work. Mysteriously 43 (SPIKE) works when she is not at home.

...... I've just learned that doing this post is not good for me because it puts my wife in a bad light when in reality that is not really the case. The last statement was not forced in any way... and this disclaimer was made freely.... if I know what is good for me!!


bassChocolate said...


I think she'll love this post, but you should remove it when you feel like... if you know what's good for you :-D

Sweet Simone said...

LOL! U thought the closet space would be equally shared?! u lucky u got space LOL!

The Seeker said...

I have been meaning to comment for some time now
but never got around to it... so here it is;


Thinkbass said...

Oh boy, hush. I feel you (but a still laughing uncontrollably).