Friday, February 29, 2008

nothing of consequence

After 2 weeks of work I started having 1 red stripe at the end of the day. Except on duty days when I'd have 2 on post-duty night. I thought that was a worrying habit but quite satisfying.

Then I went from General medicine to Neurology and Endocrine at the same time. Supposedly lighter services... I left work earlier than General medicine but still not in enough time to do anything suggestive of a life.

I know that this rotation is supposed to be the worst of the lot and that Internship is the worst time of your entire medical career, but this really bites.

I work fast and then near quitting time I get a call of more stuff to be done. So what happens.... I leave late and once again can't do a damn thing. Truth be told I probably should run away in the middle of the day and get some stuff done and then come back to work.

On Wednesday I slipped out (asked someone to cover for me for an hour) and dropped my wife to the airport (sniff sniff I miss her) and returned. It then occurred to me ... perhaps that's why I keep noticing people disappearing in the day and reappearing in the evening. So if I'm so smart why hasn't this occurred to me before? Simply because I fear that as soon as I leave something significant will happen and you'll hear that he wasn't on the job.

Sigh!! Sometimes I just exasperate myself.

P.S. I forgot to check on my patient who was being told by his family about the passing of his wife while he was in hospital. The Psychiatry resident didn't think it would be a big deal.. It's only that they've known each other all their lives (72 yrs).

1 comment:

Sweet Simone said...

The Med Prayer: Dear Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change and the brilliance to be in 5 places at once